Rough Red Calcite

Rough Red Calcite

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  • Dissolves blockages
  • Removes stagnant energy 
  • Opens the heart chakra
  • Strength and power
  • Powerful amplifier 
  • Energy cleanser
  • Clears negative energy 
  • Heightens your energy 
  • Alleviates fear
  • Easing you away from outdated thought patterns making space for new inspiration and ideas
  • inspire confidence when you are feeling beaten down by disappointments, disagreements and failures
  • Assists someone who has lost hope or motivation
  • Positive crystal 
  • Boosts memory 
  • Stone of study 
  • Alleviates emotional stress
  • Self trust 
  • Ability to overcome set backs
  • Balances emotions
  • Constipation
  • Dissolves pain
  • Ovaries / fallopian tubes
  • Balances hormones
  • Prepare pregnancy / childbirth
  • Body cleanser and purifier
  • Vitality and energy
  • Loosens up joints, lower limb disorders
  • Sacral, root and heart chakra