Tumbled Petrified Wood

Tumbled Petrified Wood

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These Brazilian tumbled Petrified Wood pieces range in color from tan to chocolate brown. Petrified Wood forms over time, when a tree has died and silicon dioxide forms in place of the wood which degrades until there is no wood left, only Quartz. Also known as Fossilized Wood, Petrified Wood is wood that has been covered with fine silicon sediment after the death of the organic material. This process allows all the form of the wood to be preserved. Recall the famous Petrified Forest in Arizona.

Fossilized Wood is great for working with Wood and Earth Energies together as they've merged together in this natural formation.

Full of earth energy, Petrified Wood is a wonderful grounding stone. Working with its grounding energies can encourage one to live life as a spiritual being within this physical realm.

Petrified Wood helps in realizing the wisdom and lessons of the past. Using Petrified Wood is also helpful for anyone who's work or hobbies revolve around studies of ancient things. Also use tumbled Petrified Wood when working with past life issues, to open up to information from the Akashic Records. Petrified Wood is often used to contact the spirits of the deceased to bring aid, guidance, or comfort to the living.

Petrified Wood teaches patience and helps understand how to allow life to evolve in perfection.

Petrified Wood is often used for channeling nature spirits, and is said to be an aid to those who champion the environment, to recognize better methods of dealing with the powers that be. Also, it encourages people to respect and look after their environment, ever finding ways to live simply, in harmony with the Spirit of the planet. Petrified Wood pieces are great stones for city dwellers to keep the vibrations of nature near in the concrete jungle.

This is a stone of evolution and ascension, and many use tumbled Petrified Wood when working on their own spiritual growth process.

Physically, tumbled Petrified Wood is said to help all types of healing, and especially any issues associated with age, such as Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, and arthritis. It is also known to ease headaches by meditating with it at the Earth Star Chakra.